Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Getting Brain in Gear

Well I bit the bullet a couple of weeks ago and registered to do an online digital photography course. The discs arrive today. I'm a week behind already (start date was 1st October) so I have been trying to make a start. Will certainly need my wits about me. I am hoping to do a lot of it in the afternoons, better than watching afternoon movies.

I've mentioned by "magnet" previously but himself has just said "do you realise you can collect money on it". Just to show me he started to through pennies at me, I have a new nickname Mrs Moneyfanny. He's such a card.

Went to Pilates earlier and worked really hard my legs are beginning to seize up so heaven help me tomorrow.

I am sorry that I will miss the LPD crop on Saturday but all being well I will be at the November one and of course the long Christmas crop in December.
Need to sleep now as I am flagging rapidly. Lx

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