Made it to work today although tummy still a bit dodgy.
I had ploughed my way through the boring emails. Chatted to friends. Looked for my personal belongings which appear to have disappeared only hope they are in a safe place. Went to the start of the daily buzz meeting by which time it was 10.00am time to leave to go to see the consultant about my knee. Had a dodgy moment on the way but luckily was near to Samuel Taylor's (where LPD crop is held) so nipped in there.
Met himself in the car park of the hospital. Saw the consultant for about 5 minutes, wonder how much that will cost? He has said that the piece that he removed was bone and had probably come off the outer edge of the thigh bone. He advised to make an appointment for 2 months. If it still is giving me pain then he will possibly advise that I have the MRI scan to make sure there is nothing worse in the middle of the bone.
Went to Physio. Garry massaged ???? my knee then put the Magnopulse on it. I then did 10 minutes on the bike not quite up to speed but getting there.
Still felt a bit off it so on the way home stopped at the Co-op to get a bag of salt and vinegar crisps and a bottle of diet coke. ( my upset tummy/hangover cure).
Relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. Chatted to Tanya, she's not too good today so is off to the Doc's hope she is ok.
Made proper mash for tea it does taste better. Just a cottage pie and carrots but I quite enjoyed it.
Himself put the desk into the office which is just right so when I can get mine in I think it will be very nice.
Rang USA to try and sort out the account I had to open when I was with GHL. I have decided to close it. Why can't call centres in this country be as helpful? Pat was great and explained everything in detail and I could understand her too!!
Himself wants to watch Prison Break so that's another day in my life over and done with. Lx
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