Saturday 24 March 2012

Well a week on and life is tough!
Jo's Dad died Monday afternoon. Poor Jo and the rest of the family my heart goes out to them all.
Tuesday my precious Dad had his first Chemo session
Peter and Gel had to go home late on Wednesday as Gel's Dad Ben is critically ill. What else will be thrown at us?
Eye check for me on Thursday and I have early onset of glaucoma so drops for me for the rest of my life probably although surgery may be a future option.
Friday was Sport Relief. Worked as normal then had an appointment with Karen. Back to work at 4pm. Blew balloons up, decorated the office , Checked people had all they needed pizza, drinks, fruit, crisps, water etc. Very busy when we finished I was exhausted as was Sandra, Chris, Donna, Le'Ann, Sue and Andrew. Good night though. Sandra gave me a gorgeous purple and silver bag which will be great for my jollies which are fast approaching, spare bed is covered in clothes ready to pack.
Tomorrow morning will do that, get the ironing done then in the afternoon I am going to a concert that my friend Karen is singing in. Monday after work I will go to see Dad. Tuesday haircut and off to London for out flight on Wednesday morning to Winter Park via Toronto.
Dirk and Els will already be there and Bill and Linda will arrive on Wednesday for 3 days.
Just get through the next couple of days and then 2 weeks of relaxation.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Wow time has flown.

Almost 18 months since I last blogged. Nicholas and Lesley have been married a whole year next Sunday! We have a new house in South Yorkshire, a 4 bedroomed detached( we still also have the old house too!)
We went Skiing to Colorado twice last year and then to Holland in October to stay with Dirk & Els.
This year we are only going the once on 28th of this month.
Sadly Dad has been diagnosed with rectal cancer with secondarys in his liver. He is going to have chemo which starts this week. Not really sure what to expect. Peter and Gel are here for a few days so we will go en masse to the hospital for an info meeting tomorrow then chemo on Tuesday.
Today was Mothers Day. Mark and Jo bought me a Swarowski crystal pen and Nicholas and Lesley bought me an indoor rose tree. I am truly blessed to have 2 wonderful sons and daughter in laws ( well Jo will be after the wedding 5th May 2013) .
So once again I will need to apply myself and lose some more weight.
I know this year will be tough but the wedding next year is going to be our family goal.